Social VR as an approach to foster collaboration among scientists and educators within the networked infrastructure for education: A pilot case study to examine its and task fit and acceptance

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


With the current development of a central (digital) networked infrastructure for education, the Federal Republic of Germany aims to technically connect the multitude of existing educational platforms and offerings in order to enable broad, easy-to-use, personalized, and self-governing access to lifelong education and to facilitate collaboration among all stakeholders. Regarding the latter, a key challenge is to identify suitable technologies, and to evaluate, technically connect, and didactically use them thoroughly. In the present case study, we examined social virtual reality (VR) as a technology for scientific collaboration by carrying out a virtual scientific conference to assess perceived task-technology fit and technology acceptance. Participants (N = 31) reported a medium to high perceived fit, ease of use, and usefulness for social VR, resulting in a high behavioral intention for future use of the technology. In line with previous approaches to integrate task-technology fit and technology acceptance theory, the applied technology's fit predicted perceived ease of use and usefulness to result in a higher intention to use social VR. Overall, social VR appears suitable and sufficient for collaboration at scientific gatherings and is, therefore, to be considered a component of the emerging (digital) infrastructure (called “Digitale Vernetzungsinfrastruktur für die Bildung”). However, in line with previous research, the results point to the need for further development of social VR with regard to both technology and design to further enhance its suitability and convenience.


Original languageEnglish
Journal e-learning and education : eleed
Issue numberSpecial Edition
Publication statusPublished - 2023

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-6958-4572/work/149438068
ORCID /0000-0002-8776-1798/work/149439043
ORCID /0000-0002-3718-0645/work/149439104
ORCID /0000-0002-6290-1467/work/149439319



  • e-learning, virtuelle Realität, social VR, virtual scientific academic conference, digital connectivity infrastructure for education, mein bildungsraum

Library keywords