Integraler Längsträger für Kraftfahrzeuge

Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



The invention relates to a longitudinal member (1) for a motor vehicle, with an energy absorption element (1.2) for absorbing impact energy, and a supporting element (1.1) for supporting chassis and/or drive components, wherein the supporting element (1.1) has a joining zone (1.3) for connection to at least one adjacent body part, and wherein the energy absorption element (1.2) and the supporting element (1.1) are produced from fibre-reinforced plastic. The longitudinal member is characterized in that the supporting element (1.1) has length sections (1.11, 1.12) of differing fibre orientation, wherein one (1.12) of the length sections contains reinforcing fibres (L2) running substantially parallel to a horizontal longitudinal plane of the longitudinal member (1) while a further length section (1.11) of the supporting element (1.1), which length section is located between the energy absorption element (1.2) and the first-mentioned length section (1.12) contains intersecting reinforcing fibres (L1) running obliquely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the longitudinal member (1), and in that the energy absorption element (1.2) and the supporting element (1.1) are connectable releasably to each other.
Translated title of the contribution
Integral longitudinal member for motor vehicles


The invention relates to a longitudinal member (1) for a motor vehicle, with an energy absorption element (1.2) for absorbing impact energy, and a supporting element (1.1) for supporting chassis and/or drive components, wherein the supporting element (1.1) has a joining zone (1.3) for connection to at least one adjacent body part, and wherein the energy absorption element (1.2) and the supporting element (1.1) are produced from fibre-reinforced plastic. The longitudinal member is characterized in that the supporting element (1.1) has length sections (1.11, 1.12) of differing fibre orientation, wherein one (1.12) of the length sections contains reinforcing fibres (L2) running substantially parallel to a horizontal longitudinal plane of the longitudinal member (1) while a further length section (1.11) of the supporting element (1.1), which length section is located between the energy absorption element (1.2) and the first-mentioned length section (1.12) contains intersecting reinforcing fibres (L1) running obliquely with respect to the longitudinal axis of the longitudinal member (1), and in that the energy absorption element (1.2) and the supporting element (1.1) are connectable releasably to each other.
Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)B62D 21/15
Patent numberWO 2014/198506
Filing date21 May 2014
Priority date12 Jun 2013
Priority numberDE102013106073
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 18 Dec 2014
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent
