DSC investigation of the undercooling of SnAgCu solder alloys

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportConference contributionContributed



This study investigates the undercooling of commercially available SnAgCu solder alloys by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC - rate 10 K/min). The results for solder spheres of 0 260 μm (free standing, no interfacial reaction) show that Sn-based solder alloys (investigated alloys Sn99.9; SnCu0.5; SnCu0.7; SnCu1.2; SnAg3.0; SnAg4.0; SnAg3.0Cu0.5; SnAg3.0Cu1.2; SnAg4.0Cu1.2; SnAg3.8Cu0.7) solidify with significant undercooling ranging from 16.9 K to 81.7 K in the present study. It is also shown that undercooling can strongly vary from alloy to alloy and even during subsequent measurements of the same sample. Furthermore the results indicate that undercooling increases with decreasing sample size, which has to be taken into account if the interconnect size becomes smaller.


Original languageGerman
Title of host publication2016 39th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE)
Number of pages5
ISBN (print)978-1-5090-1390-6
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2016


Title2016 39th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE)
Duration18 - 22 May 2016
LocationPilsen, Czech Republic

External IDs

Scopus 84988883747
ORCID /0000-0001-8576-7611/work/165877188



  • Metals, Temperature measurement, Heating, Microstructure, Reliability, Springs, Seminars