Lehrpreis für Angebote in der Lehrkräftebildung 2024
Prize: Prize for teaching (incl. supervision)
- Julian Kriegel - , Chair of Primary Education/ Mathematical Education
- Sebastian Schorcht - , Chair of Primary Education/ Mathematical Education
- Peggy Germer - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Anja Mede-Schelenz - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Melanie Wohlfahrt - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Aurcia Borszik - , Dresden International University (DIU)
- Susan Böttcher - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Alexander Klippstein - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Dagmar Oertel - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Christin Nenner - , Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research
- Claudia Hottas - , Dresden International University (DIU)