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Project-Based Learning about Energy Transition and Digitalization Theoretical Considerations, Conceptual Implementation and Practical Experience in the Project SENSOr “Smart Energy Smart Schools”

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5 Juli 20226 Juli 2022


Abstract: In context of transformative education, project SENSOr considers itself as an opportunity exploring the possibilities of digitalization for achieving the sustainable development goals with a special focus in energy related questions. It aims to create project-oriented learning environments while using the public school building and its energy consumption as an example. This publication will first state an overview of theoretical-conceptual considerations to classify the project and identify its main challenges. Subsequently, a description of the goals and its main contents will follow. For a better understanding how these concepts may become implemented into project-based lessons, an explanation of two of its educational modules is made. Finally, a discussion concludes the first experiences gained so far in the implementation of the project amid particular challenges, pandemic situations and opportunities.


TitelAGIT / GI_Salzburg 2022
UntertitelDesigning Future with Geoinformatics
Dauer5 - 7 Juli 2022
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtParis Lodron Universität Salzburg



  • Energiewende, Digitalisierung, Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Projektlernen, Sensoren

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