Rim well with integrated flange made of fiber composites as well as method for manufacturing same

Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



A rim well with integrated flange made of fiber composite as well as to a method for manufacturing same. The flange is formed by inwardly directed protuberances of fiber layers of the rim well, wherein the fiber layers transition to the flange from the rim well without interruption of the fibers. The manufacture is carried out by depositing fiber material on a mold, which corresponds to the contour of the rim well and has a radially circumferential or segmented groove. The fibers are deposited such that the fibers of at least one fiber layer have protuberances directed into the groove. A multipart mold, which makes it possible to reduce the width of the groove and thus a deformation of the protuberances, is preferably used.


A rim well with integrated flange made of fiber composite as well as to a method for manufacturing same. The flange is formed by inwardly directed protuberances of fiber layers of the rim well, wherein the fiber layers transition to the flange from the rim well without interruption of the fibers. The manufacture is carried out by depositing fiber material on a mold, which corresponds to the contour of the rim well and has a radially circumferential or segmented groove. The fibers are deposited such that the fibers of at least one fiber layer have protuberances directed into the groove. A multipart mold, which makes it possible to reduce the width of the groove and thus a deformation of the protuberances, is preferably used.
Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)B60B 3/02
Patent numberUS 9,539,855
Filing date3 Dec 2012
Country/TerritoryUnited States of America
Priority date7 Dec 2011
Priority numberDE102011087921
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2017
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent
