Pilot implementation of a sonography simulator in gynecological medical training and continuing education: A practical report

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


Objective: In addition to patient consent, learning sonography requires considerable time and personnel resources. To implement patient-friendly and resource-saving ultrasound teaching, a comprehensively equipped sonography simulator (SoSim) was purchased at the Medical Interprofessional Training Centre (MITZ) of the Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden. In a first step, the SoSim training was trialed in a sample (n=5) in cooperation with the Clinic and Polyclinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at Dresden University Hospital (GYN). Based on the findings, the aim is to extend the project to University Medicine Dresden. Description of the project: After creating the necessary structural and organizational conditions, five female GYN trainees trained two defined modules in SoSim on transvaginal and abdominal ultrasound. The evaluation was carried out by online-based evaluation of the participants and process analysis. Results: The process analysis showed that close supervision of the learners is required and that booking individual appointments is time-consuming. The evaluation of the participants showed a positive mean change in the approval ratings for 11 out of 14 competency-based questions. Conclusion: Despite the integrated SoSim learning program, support for learners is necessary. By piloting the use of SoSim to teach transva-ginal ultrasound as part of gynecological specialist training, University Medicine Dresden is a pioneer in innovative and patient-friendly teaching. The pilot project has laid the foundations for the expansion of the project into other areas.

Translated title of the contribution
Pilotimplementierung eines Sonografie-Simulators in die gynäkologische ärztliche Fort-und Weiterbildung
Ein Praxisbericht


Original languageMultiple
Article numberDoc58
JournalGMS Journal for Medical Education
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • e-Learning, feedback, medical education, medical training, simulator, skills lab, sonography