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Hybrid-Lithography for the Master of Multi-ModeWaveguides NIL Stamp

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6 Juli 2023


the presented work demonstrates the fabrication process of the master for nano-imprint lithography (NIL) stamp for multi-mode waveguide (MM-WG) with μ-mirror using hybrid-lithography, which includes a 2-photon-polymerization direct laser writing process (2PP-DLW) for μ-mirror surface and UV-photo lithography for MM-WGs. For the definition of the mirror surface at either end of waveguides in the master stamp, the 2PP-DLW process was used. It offers a lower surface roughness (< 0.1 λ) with fewer processing steps, alignment accuracy of ± 1 μm, prints fine and sharp contours, and relatively faster scanning for a specific material, which makes it the foremost technology over the traditional micro-mirror processes such as the dicing process, moving mask lithography, laser ablation, wet etching, and dry etching. For the fabrication of the waveguide core with rectangular cross-sections in the master stamp, UV mask exposure with SU-8 was used. It is a mass-production and low-cost technique. It gives a smooth structure with 90-degree sidewalls compared to other processes like dry etching, wet etching, mosquito method, and E-beam writing. We demonstrated the design and process of a master pattern with a density range from 0.04 to 0.2 to maintain equal pressure over the stamp in the NIL step for an almost uniform residual thickness layer.


Titel2023 46th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology
UntertitelRevolutionizing the Electronics Ecosystems - Chiplet and Heterogeneous Integration
KurztitelISSE 2023
Dauer10 - 14 Mai 2023
OrtPolitehnica University of Timisoara


Fächergruppen, Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche, Fachgebiete nach Destatis


  • multi-mode waveguides (MM-WGs), micro-mirror, two-photon polymerization direct laser writing (2PP-DLW), UV lithography, hybrid-lithography