Verfahren zur Registrierung von Laserscannerdaten in Waldbeständen

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review



Laser scanning is a fast and efficient 3-D measurement technique to capture surface points describing the geo m e try of a complex object in an accurate and reliable way. Besides airborne laser scanning, terrestrial laser scanning finds growing interest for forestry applications. These two different recording platforms show large differences in resolution, recording area and scan viewing direction. Using both datasets for a combined point cloud analysis may yield advantages because of their largely complementary information. In this paper, methods will be presented to automatically register airborne and terrestrial laser scanner point clouds of a forest stand. In a first step, tree detection is performed in both datasets in an automatic manner. In a second step, corresponding tree positions are determined using RANSAC. Finally, the geometric transformation is performed, divided in a coarse and fine registration. After a coarse registration, the fine registration is done in an iterative manner (ICP) using the point clouds itself. The methods are tested and validated with a dataset of a forest stand. The presented registration results provide accuracies which fulfill the forestry requirements.

Translated title of the contribution
Methods for registration laser scanner point clouds in forest stands


Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)178-185
Number of pages8
JournalSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2011

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-3734-9164/work/166325044


Sustainable Development Goals

ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • Airborne laser scanning, Registration, Terrestrial laser scanning