Validation of an energy-based fatigue life model for fibre reinforced plastics under different stress ratios

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportConference contributionContributedpeer-review


The energy-based fatigue model presented in this work overcomes different shortcomings of existing model approaches, such as the need of separated assumptions for constant life diagrams. By using the range of the normalised strain energy density and a probabilistic based mode interaction approach, a failure mode dependent fatigue model for CFRP is established for directly predicting constant life diagrams and calculating the fatigue life for multiaxial loads with constant amplitude. In this contribution, the ply-based model and some of its main features, such as the consideration of residual stresses or of mode interactions at general threedimensional stress states, are shortly summarised. The stepwise model validation on different literature datasets is considered in more detail, including prediction of SN-curves with scatter band and constant life diagrams.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020
EditorsF. Chinesta, R. Abgrall, O. Allix, M. Kaliske
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 11 Mar 2021


Title14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM) ECCOMAS Congress 2020
SubtitleECCOMAS Congress 2020
Abbreviated titleWCCM-ECCOMAS
Conference number
Duration11 - 15 January 2021

External IDs

Scopus 85122025083
ORCID /0000-0003-1370-064X/work/142243436
ORCID /0000-0002-2280-7580/work/142252478
ORCID /0000-0002-8122-4158/work/176342093


ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • Computing Methods, FibreReinforced Plastics, Mean Stress Influence, Service Strength Analysis, Fibre Reinforced Plastics, Model Validation, Fatigue, Fatigue, Model Validation