Universal joint assembly

Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



A universal joint member for transmitting torque between two shafts of a drive mechanism includes a first pivot axis for pivoting connection to a first shaft of the drive mechanism, wherein the first pivot axis extends substantially perpendicular to a rotational axis of the first shaft; and a second pivot axis for pivoting connection to a second shaft of the drive mechanism, the second pivot axis extending substantially perpendicular to the first pivot axis and substantially perpendicular to a rotational axis of the second shaft. A cavity extends through the universal joint member for receiving a pivot pin along the second pivot axis, wherein the pivot pin is configured to connect the universal joint member to the second shaft. A universal joint assembly for a drive mechanism includes a first rotatable shaft, a second rotatable shaft, and a universal joint member for transmitting torque between the first and second shafts.


A universal joint member for transmitting torque between two shafts of a drive mechanism includes a first pivot axis for pivoting connection to a first shaft of the drive mechanism, wherein the first pivot axis extends substantially perpendicular to a rotational axis of the first shaft; and a second pivot axis for pivoting connection to a second shaft of the drive mechanism, the second pivot axis extending substantially perpendicular to the first pivot axis and substantially perpendicular to a rotational axis of the second shaft. A cavity extends through the universal joint member for receiving a pivot pin along the second pivot axis, wherein the pivot pin is configured to connect the universal joint member to the second shaft. A universal joint assembly for a drive mechanism includes a first rotatable shaft, a second rotatable shaft, and a universal joint member for transmitting torque between the first and second shafts.
Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)F16D 3/00
Patent numberUS 9,316,267
Filing date21 Jul 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States of America
Priority date23 Jul 2013
Priority numberEP13177564
Publication statusPublished - 19 Apr 2016
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent
