Towards a Fault-Injection Benchmarking Suite

Research output: Contribution to conferencesAbstractContributedpeer-review



Soft errors in memories and logic circuits are known to disturb program execution. In this context, the research community has been proposing a plethora of fault-tolerance (FT) solutions over the last decades, as well as fault-injection (FI) approaches to test, measure and compare them. However, there is no agreed-upon benchmarking suite for demonstrating FT or FI approaches. As a replacement, authors pick benchmarks from other domains, e.g. embedded systems. This leads to little comparability across publications, and causes behavioral overlap within benchmarks that were not selected for orthogonality in the FT/FI domain. In this paper, we want to initiate a discussion on what a benchmarking suite for the FT/FI domain should look like, and propose criteria for benchmark selection.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Mar 2024

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-1427-9343/work/160953550



  • cs.SE