Thermoplastic last-stage blade

Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



A turbine blade, a turbine and a method of manufacturing a damping zone of a turbine blade are provided. The turbine blade includes a damping zone with a damping layer and the damping layer has a fiber matrix system. The fiber matrix system has a thermoplastic matrix. Reinforcing fibers are embedded in the thermoplastic matrix.


A turbine blade, a turbine and a method of manufacturing a damping zone of a turbine blade are provided. The turbine blade includes a damping zone with a damping layer and the damping layer has a fiber matrix system. The fiber matrix system has a thermoplastic matrix. Reinforcing fibers are embedded in the thermoplastic matrix.
Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)F01D 5/14
Patent numberUS 2011/0002790
Filing date30 Jun 2010
Country/TerritoryUnited States of America
Priority date4 Aug 2009
Priority numberDE102009036018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Jan 2011
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-3811-0777/work/151983223
