The investigating on mechanical properties of ultra-high strength and ultra-high ductility cementitious composites (UHS-UHDCC)

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Dong Yi Lei - , Qingdao University, Southeast University, Nanjing (Author)
  • Li Ping Guo - , Southeast University, Nanjing (Author)
  • Ying Li - , Qingdao University (Author)
  • Zheng Zheng - , Tianjin University (Author)
  • Jia Ping Liu - , Southeast University, Nanjing (Author)
  • Shao Chun Li - , Qingdao University (Author)
  • Peng Gang Wang - , Qingdao University (Author)
  • Chang Cheng Li - , State Key Laboratory of Green Building Materials (Author)
  • Viktor Mechtcherine - , Chair of Construction Materials (Author)
  • Zhi Hong Li - , Guangdong Dongpeng Holding Company Limited (Author)
  • De Zhao Zeng - , Guangdong Dongpeng Holding Company Limited (Author)
  • Bao Min Zhong - , Guangdong Dongpeng Holding Company Limited (Author)


This study presents an ultra-high strength and ultra-high ductility cementitious composites (UHS-UHDCC) with a compressive strength higher than 160 ​MPa and an uniaxial tensile ductility exceeding 6%. When the mixture ratio is 0.4SF ​+ ​W0.19 ​+ ​PE, the UHS-UHDCC's compressive strength, compression elastic modulus, uniaxial tensile ductility, four-point bending mid-span deflection is 163 ​MPa, 54 ​GPa, more than 6% and 29.72 ​mm, respectively. The toughness at the ultimate mid-span deflection accurately reflects the energy absorption capacity of UHS-UHDCC. Compared with high-strength matrix without fiber, the flexural strength of USH-UHDCC grows 53.21%, its compressive strength only grows 8.24%, the effect of fiber on the flexural strength is more pronounced, and it shows a residual compressive strength of 40%, residual flexural strength of 50%, a good compression deformation capacity and compression toughness. The combination of high fiber dispersion, high matrix density, appropriate interfacial bonding strength, and high tensile strength and high elastic modulus of PE fiber achieves the ultra-high strength and ultra-high ductility of UHS-UHDCC.


Original languageEnglish
Article number102486
JournalJournal of Building Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021



  • Four-point bending, Strain hardening, Ultra-high ductility, Ultra-high strength, Uniaxial tensile

Library keywords