Sensitivity of fire weather indices, fuel sticks and satellite observations to fuel moisture content in Central European forests - Data

Research output: Other contributionOtherContributed



This data repository contains datasets for destructively measured fuels of different types (FMC_insitu), meteorological data including 10-hour fuel stick measurements (FWS_30min) and calculated fire weather index components (FWS_FWI_24h) for four different sites in the Tharandt forest and Saxon Switzerland National Park in the Free State of Saxony (Germany) during the years 2022 (only DE-Tha) and 2023 (all four sites). The provided folders contain .csv files for each study site. Meteorological data in 30min for DE-Tha can be derived from the ICOS data portal ( For the remaining three sites (DE-BLB, DE-BWB, DE-SHW), past and recent data can be viewed via EMS Brno (e.g., Upon request, the authors can share the data. FMC_insitu: Destructively sampled fuel moisture content of different fuel types. FWS_30min: Original measurements from the fire weather stations in 30 min time steps FWS_FWI_24h: Measurements from fire weather stations in 24h time steps and the calculated fire weather index and its components. As requested for calculation of the FWI, meteorological variables are used at 13:00 (UTC), while PREC and PBC are the 24h sum prior to 13:00. readme.txt: Description of repository content and the variables provided within the .csv files. stations.csv: Contains the coordinates and a short description of the study sites.


Original languageUndefined
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jul 2024
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.OtherContribution
