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33 Results for: "Family Practice"
  1. Pathophysiologie des Gilles-de-la-Tourette-Syndroms

    Kleimaker, M., Kleimaker, A., Beste, C. & Münchau, A. M., 1 May 2020, In: Nervenheilkunde. 39, 5, p. 291-299 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  2. Evaluation der langfristigen klinischen und ökonomischen Auswirkungen einer Behandlung mit Ofatumumab gegenüber Dimethylfumarat und Glatirameracetat bei Patienten mit schubförmiger Multipler Sklerose aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht in Deutschland 1

    Koeditz, D., Frensch, J., Bierbaum, M., Ness, N. H., Ettle, B. & Ziemssen, T., 28 Jul 2022, In: Nervenheilkunde. 41, 7-8, p. 502-508 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleContributedpeer-review

  3. Study on safety performance and condition‑suggestion accuracy of the symptom assessment mobile applications

    Shanzhu, Z., Sunfang, J., Juan, S., Zhigang, P., Yu, Z., Minghui, P. & Hua, Y. & 1 others, Gilbert, S., Mar 2023, In: Chinese Journal of General Practitioners. 22, 3, p. 288-294 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  4. Impact of a priority-setting consultation on doctor-patient agreement after a geriatric assessment: Cluster randomised controlled trial in German general practices

    Junius-Walker, U., Wrede, J., Voigt, I., Hofmann, W., Wiese, B., Hummers-Pradier, E. & Dierks, M. L., 2012, In: Quality in Primary Care. 20, 5, p. 321-334 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  5. Die klinische Anwendung von Milnacipran in Österreich und Deutschland

    Hienert, M., Ritter, P., Bauer, M., Lanzenberger, R. & Kasper, S., 2019, In: Nervenheilkunde. 38, 4, p. 178-183 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  6. Comparing LAMA with LABA and LTRA as add-on therapies in primary care asthma management

    Kaplan, A., FitzGerald, J. M., Buhl, R., Vogelberg, C. & Hamelmann, E., Dec 2020, In: npj Primary care respiratory medicine. 30, 1, 50.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleContributedpeer-review

  7. Implementation and evaluation of a complex intervention to improve information availability at the interface between inpatient and outpatient care in older patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy (HYPERION-TransCare) - study protocol for a pilot and feasibility cluster-randomized controlled trial in general practice in Germany

    Klein, A.-A., Petermann, J., Brosse, F., Piller, S., Kramer, M., Hanf, M. & Dinh, T. S. & 8 others, Schulz-Rothe, S., Engler, J., Mergenthal, K., Seidling, H. M., Klasing, S., Timmesfeld, N., van den Akker, M. & Voigt, K., 22 Aug 2023, In: Pilot and feasibility studies. 9(2023), 1, 13 p., 146.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  8. Second-line therapy with nivolumab plus ipilimumab for older patients with oesophageal squamous cell cancer (RAMONA): a multicentre, open-label phase 2 trial

    Ebert, M. P., Meindl-Beinker, N. M., Gutting, T., Maenz, M., Betge, J., Schulte, N. & Zhan, T. & 15 others, Weidner, P., Burgermeister, E., Hofheinz, R., Vogel, A., Angermeier, S., Bolling, C., de Wit, M., Jakobs, R., Karthaus, M., Stocker, G., Thuss-Patience, P., Leidig, T., Gaiser, T., Kather, J. N. & Haertel, N., Jun 2022, In: The Lancet Healthy Longevity. 3, 6, p. e417-e427

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  9. FamilyCoviDD19: results of a cross-sectional study - long-term outcomes of infected and uninfected household members

    Horst, T. S., Armann, J. P., Doenhardt, M., Dreßen, S., Czyborra, P., Schneider, J. & Gano, C. & 6 others, Dalpke, A., Lück, C., Bluschke, A., Wekenborg, M., Berner, R. & Blankenburg, J., 1 Sept 2023, In: Family medicine and community health : FMCH. 11, 3, e002057.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

  10. An welchem Wochentag besuchen Migränepatienten den Spezialisten? Eine Untersuchung unter Praxisbedingungen

    Kropp, P., Müller, B., Barchmann, D., Straube, A., Bavendamm, U., Casser-Nordhues, B. & Eder, H. T. & 32 others, Fegers, S., Sabatowski, R., Gaul, C., Gralow, I., Grüneberg, R., Hackebeil, C., Kämpfer, M., Kavuk, I., Keimer, R., Kessel, J., Kessler, M., Kopp, S., Kraya, T., Kühn-Becker, H., Kuhn, J., Lindner, V., Lange, T., Lucius, H., Naumann, E., Peikert, A., Schlemilch-Paschen, S., Pielsticker, A., Siebold, C., Scholz, P., Straube, A., Straube, H., Trocha, K., Troyke, P., Taubert, K., Ickenstein, G., Witzenhausen, K. & Wörz, R., 2011, In: Nervenheilkunde. 30, 11, p. 922-924 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

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