Evaluation der langfristigen klinischen und ökonomischen Auswirkungen einer Behandlung mit Ofatumumab gegenüber Dimethylfumarat und Glatirameracetat bei Patienten mit schubförmiger Multipler Sklerose aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht in Deutschland 1

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleContributedpeer-review


  • Dominik Koeditz - , Novartis Pharma AG (Author)
  • Jürgen Frensch - , Novartis Pharma AG (Author)
  • Martin Bierbaum - , Novartis Pharma AG (Author)
  • Nils Henning Ness - , Hexal (Author)
  • Benjamin Ettle - , Novartis Pharma AG (Author)
  • Tjalf Ziemssen - , Department of Neurology, Center of Clinical Neuroscience, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Author)


Background Some evidence suggests that early highly efficacious therapy in relapsing multiple sclerosis might be superior to escalation strategies. Objective A cost-consequence analysis simulated different treatment scenarios with ofatumumab (OMB), dimethyl fumarate (DMF) and glatiramer acetate (GA): immediate OMB initiation as first treatment, early switch to OMB after 1 year on DMF/GA, late switch after 5 years or no switch. Methods The simulation was based on an EDSS-based Markov model with a 10-year time horizon. Cycle transitions included EDSS progression, improvement or stabilization, treatment discontinuation, relapse, or death. Input data were extracted from OMB trials, a network meta-analysis, published literature, and publicly available sources. Results The late switch compared to the immediate OMB scenario resulted in a lower proportion of patients with EDSS 0-3 (Δ-7.5 % DMF; Δ-10.3 % GA), more relapses (Δ + 0.72 DMF; Δ + 1.23 GA) and lower employment rates (Δ-4.0 % DMF; Δ-5.6 % GA). The same applies to late versus early switches. No switch scenarios resulted in worse outcomes. Higher drug acquisition costs in the immediate OMB and early switch scenarios were almost compensated by lower costs for patient care (e. g., inpatient and informal care, community and social services) and productivity loss. Conclusion Immediate OMB treatment and an early switch improves clinical and productivity outcomes while remaining almost cost neutral compared to late or no switches.


Translated title of the contribution
Evaluation of the long-term clinical and economic impact of ofatumumab versus dimethyl fumarate and glatiramer acetate in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis from a societal perspective in Germany
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)502-508
Number of pages7
Issue number7-8
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jul 2022

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0001-8799-8202/work/171553667


ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • disability progression, disease-modifying therapies, Multiple sclerosis, societal costs

Library keywords