Novel load-introduction systems for lightweight aircraft components in composite-metal hybrid design: Multi-materials design for lightweight hydraulic actuators

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportConference contributionContributed



The ever increasing competition forces the aerospace industry to reduce the weight of aircrafts which leads to an increased payload and reduced fuel consumption. Therefore fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) are gradually replacing metals as the material of choice for highly-stressed aircraft-structures with well-defined loads. In contrast to that for complex-shaped load-introduction elements with multi-axial stress states isotropic materials like steel are advantageous. Thus, the design process requires a multi-materials construction, in which the single components have to be joined with adequate technologies. Furthermore within multimaterials design the Delta alpha-problem due to different thermomechanical properties have to be considered to minimize the resulting residual stresses.On the example of a new lightweight hydraulic actuator, a variety of feasible joining technologies for connecting metallic flanges to FRP-tube components is demonstrated such as loops, threads and bolt-connections. Load introduction systems are dimensioned by using finite element calculation software and new physically based failure criteria. Advantageous solutions for prototypic tube structures made of FRP with integrated load introduction systems are manufactured by specially developed filament-winding and resin-transfer moulding processes and related tools. Furthermore, extensive simulations and tests on the thermomechanical behaviour of hybrid structures are performed to determine the material effort due to residual stresses.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication1 st EUCOMAS Conference
PublisherVDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Number of pages9
ISBN (print)978-3-18-092028-3
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Publication series

SeriesVDI Berichte


Title1st EUCOMAS European Conference on Materials and Structures in Aerospace
Conference number
Duration26 - 27 May 2008

External IDs

Scopus 45449086353
WOS 000256699300011
ORCID /0000-0003-1370-064X/work/142243537
