New materials and technologies for lightweight generic components of electric low-emission concept vehicles (MATLEV): Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung von naturfaserbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen und effizienten Fertigungsprozessen zur Herstellung von Leichtbaukomponenten für Low-Emission Concept Vehicles

Research output: Preprint/documentation/reportProject report (Final and progress reports)


Förderkennzeichen BMBF 01MX12021. - Verbund-Nummer 01127145
Förderungszeitraum: 01.07.2012-31.08.2015
Translated title of the contribution
New materials and technologies for lightweight generic components of electric low-emission concept vehicles (MATLEV)
Subproject: Development of natural-fibre composite structures and efficient manufacturing processes for the manufacture of generic lightweight components for the use in a low-emission concept vehicle


Original languageGerman
Number of pages68
Publication statusPublished - 2015
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.WorkingPaper

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-1370-064X/work/148145229
