Mehrstufige Kondensationsdampfturbine

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent application/Patent


The turbine has a guide vane (1) made from layers of composite material e.g. glass fiber-reinforced or carbon fiber-reinforced plastic. A metal wire meshwork (2) is arranged near surface between the layers of the guide vane and made of electrically conducting material. The wire meshwork is heated by electrical energy over connections such that the entire surface of the guide vane is heated, where heat output of the guide vane is adjusted based on an operating point.
Translated title of the contribution
Multi-stage condensation steam turbine


The turbine has a guide vane (1) made from layers of composite material e.g. glass fiber-reinforced or carbon fiber-reinforced plastic. A metal wire meshwork (2) is arranged near surface between the layers of the guide vane and made of electrically conducting material. The wire meshwork is heated by electrical energy over connections such that the entire surface of the guide vane is heated, where heat output of the guide vane is adjusted based on an operating point.
Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)F01D 5/18
Patent numberEP 2113635
Filing date30 Apr 2008
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Nov 2009
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-3811-0777/work/151983202
