Interface reconstruction in V-oxide heterostructures determined by x-ray absorption spectroscopy

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • H. Wadati - , University of British Columbia (Author)
  • D. G. Hawthorn - , University of British Columbia, University of Waterloo (Author)
  • J. Geck - , Chair of Physics of Quantum Materials, University of British Columbia (Author)
  • T. Z. Regier - , University of Saskatchewan (Author)
  • R. I.R. Blyth - , University of Saskatchewan (Author)
  • T. Higuchi - , The University of Tokyo (Author)
  • Y. Hotta - , The University of Tokyo (Author)
  • Y. Hikita - , The University of Tokyo (Author)
  • H. Y. Hwang - , The University of Tokyo, Japan Science and Technology Agency (Author)
  • G. A. Sawatzky - , University of British Columbia (Author)


We present an x-ray absorption study of the dependence of the V oxidation state on the thickness of LaV O3 (LVO) and capping LaAl O3 (LAO) layers in the multilayer structure of LVO sandwiched between LAO. We found that the change of the valence of V as a function of LAO layer thickness can be qualitatively explained by a transition between electronically reconstructed interfaces and a chemical reconstruction. The change as a function of LVO layer thickness is complicated by the presence of a considerable amount of V4+ in the bulk of the thicker LVO layers.


Original languageEnglish
Article number023115
JournalApplied physics letters
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-2438-0672/work/159172186


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