Interface modification in the production of multi-material structures in a continuous metal die-casting-plastic injection-molding hybrid process

Research output: Contribution to conferencesPosterContributed



The production of modern multi-material structures is currently characterized by separate individual processes, which often result in extensive process interruptions due to unnecessary transport routes. For example, longer transfer times for insert elements made of aluminum or magnesium, which are integrated into a polymer injection molding process, present the risk of increased oxide formation and possible contamination. This makes additional, usually aggressive cleaning steps necessary. With the help of a continuous hybrid process, the metallic components are to be produced in an aluminum die-casting process and functionalized with fibre-reinforced polymer structures within the same processing system (Fig. 1, left) in a resource-saving manner. The aim is to manufacture innovative and complex multi-material components in a single production step, thereby saving energy, storage costs and transfer paths in particular. Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the new hybrid technology compared to standardized individual processes result from the reduction of pre-treatment and cleaning steps, supplemented by optimized cycle times and a significantly reduced space requirement due to only one hybrid production plant.
The development of a stable connection of the hybrid materials with high mechanical stability and durability, especially in the modification of the interphase, requires further research. A promising approach is the surface treatment of the metal component using laser beams. This creates defined microstructures on the metallic component and geometrically extended bonding zones (Fig. 1, right).
The analysis and optimization of the inserted laser structures as well as the targeted identification of process parameters are the subject of the preliminary investigations of the so-called HyDrun project. In order to identify significant dependencies, the bonding strength of the generated metal-polymer hybrid joinings will be correlated with the structure parameters (structure depth and pattern spacing), different shapes of possible laser structures as well as relevant parameters of the plastic injection molding process. Furthermore, current insights into the development activities in the areas of the required hybrid mold technology, the unique plant technology and the modified, novel process within the HyDrun project will be provided.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2022


Title23. Symposium „Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde"
Abbreviated titleVerbund 2022
Conference number23
Duration20 - 22 July 2022
LocationMontanuniversität Leoben & online

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-1370-064X/work/142243813
