Influence of processing conditions on the mechanical behavior of mineral-impregnated carbon-fiber (MCF) made with geopolymer

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportChapter in book/anthology/reportContributedpeer-review


Mineral-impregnated carbon-fiber (MCF) composites are for the construction industry a promising alternative to steel reinforcement or conventional fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites due to their high mechanical performance over a wide temperature range, corrosion resistance, and high technological flexibility. For an efficient industrial fabrication of MCF, a long-range processing window need to be secured for the reactive impregnation suspensions. In this regard geopolymers offer great potential since - similar to organic thermosettings - they require thermal curing to accelerate polymerization, enabling quickly high early strengths.
To this end, the presented article is envisaged to study the impact of curing regimes and processing technology on the microstructure and mechanical properties of MCF. The MCFs were fabricated automated and continuously with a geopolymer-suspension and subsequently treated at elevated temperatures. Moreover, a helical winding was applied around the freshly pultruded bundle to profile the reinforcement surface, increase its “green” strength and handleability as well as its subsequent bond behavior towards concrete matrices.
The produced samples were thermally “activated” at 75 ℃ for up to 8 h only, to promote the geopolymerization process. With prolonged curing, a gradual increase in flexural and tensile properties was observed, confirmed by microscopic analyses showing a more reacted matrix microstructure with 8 h of curing time. The applied helical winding yielded a slight decrease in flexural performance, but densified the matrix microstructure of the MCF, proven by mercury intrusion porosity measurements. Finally, uniaxial tensile tests presented that the mechanical properties of such produced MCF reinforcements are in the same range as conventional FRPs.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering - Proceedings of CICE 2020/2021
EditorsAlper Ilki, Medine Ispir, Pinar Inci
PublisherSpringer International Publishing AG
Number of pages10
ISBN (electronic)978-3-030-88166-5
ISBN (print)9783030881658
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

Series Lecture notes in civil engineering

External IDs

Scopus 85121906909
Mendeley 74dd3628-e036-3c45-a5cc-d131e6516176
WOS 000767193200102
ORCID /0000-0002-0718-5541/work/142246675


Research priority areas of TU Dresden

DFG Classification of Subject Areas according to Review Boards

Subject groups, research areas, subject areas according to Destatis

ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • Automated processing, Carbon-fiber composite, Geopolymer, Mineral impregnation