Einrichtung zur Einstellung und Bestimmung des Blutflussplateaus

Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



The invention relates to a device for adjusting and determining the blood flow plateau in an extremity of a patient, wherein the device (1) has a chamber (2) whose wall (3) encloses an interior (4), and the chamber (3) has at least one opening (5), for inserting at least part of the extremity (6, 7) into the interior (4), and at least one recess (13) which permits access to the part of the extremity (6, 7) located in the interior (4), and wherein the device (1) has at least one heating element (27), which is in thermal contact with the interior (4). Provision is made that the device (1) furthermore has a means (23) for determining the blood flow plateau in the part of the extremity (6, 7) located in the interior (4).
Translated title of the contribution
Device for adjusting and determining the blood flow plateau


The invention relates to a device for adjusting and determining the blood flow plateau in an extremity of a patient, wherein the device (1) has a chamber (2) whose wall (3) encloses an interior (4), and the chamber (3) has at least one opening (5), for inserting at least part of the extremity (6, 7) into the interior (4), and at least one recess (13) which permits access to the part of the extremity (6, 7) located in the interior (4), and wherein the device (1) has at least one heating element (27), which is in thermal contact with the interior (4). Provision is made that the device (1) furthermore has a means (23) for determining the blood flow plateau in the part of the extremity (6, 7) located in the interior (4).
Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)A61H 39/06
Patent numberWO 2015/144125
Filing date30 Jan 2015
Priority date26 Mar 2014
Priority numberDE102014104167
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Oct 2015
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-0311-1745/work/142659313
