Effect of adhesive systems in the textile preforming process on the static and dynamic inter laminar shear strength of textile reinforced composites

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportConference contributionContributedpeer-review



Textile-reinforced polymers offer a very high potential for the application in high-technology lightweight structures. The mechanical properties of textile-reinforced composites strongly depend on the reinforcement architecture and the textile preform quality. For an efficient and reproducible manufacture of high quality products adhesive systems are often used in the textile preforming process for fixing different textile semi-finished products. Appropriate adhesive systems have to be carefully selected not only from the process-sided point of view but especially from mechanical point of view. Therefore, the influence of different adhesive systems such as hot-melt adhesive fabrics or spray glue on the mechanical properties of textile reinforced composites has been investigated. Static and dynamic inter laminar shear tests have been carried out under different environmental conditions such as room temperature and hot/wet-test condition.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-16
PublisherInternational Committee on Composite Materials
Number of pages6
ISBN (print)9784931136052
Publication statusPublished - 2007


Title16th International Conference on Composite Materials
Abbreviated titleICCM 16
Conference number16
Duration8 - 13 July 2007

External IDs

researchoutputwizard legacy.publication#16211
ORCID /0000-0003-1370-064X/work/142243672



  • Adhesive systems, Hot/wet-conditions, Inter laminar shear strength, Preforming technologies, Tailored fibre placement, Textile composites, Textile reinforcement