Bewegung durch Verformung – Simulation nachgiebiger Mechanismen aus thermoplastbasierten Faserverbundwerkstoffen

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportConference contributionContributedpeer-review



Using compliant mechanisms movement is obtained by the deformation of one or several mechanism members. If these members are subjected to large deformations the mechanism analysis requires the solution of a contiuum mechanical boundary value problem. In the following contribution an efficient solution procedure based on a rate formulation for beamlike structures is presented. In addition the application of fibre reinforced thermoplastic materials for the flexible mechanism members is investigated. Beside their lightweight potential these materials may couple different directions of deformation. These coupling effects can be used to generate spatial movements with compliant mechanisms which initially have a planar configuration. The application of long fibre reinforced thermoplastic materials is investigated in the framework of the collaborative research centre 639 sponsored by the German Research Foundation at the Dresden University of Technology.
Translated title of the contribution
Motion through deformation simulation
Flexible mechanisms of thermoplastic-based fiber composite materials


Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationVDI-Getriebetagung 2006
PublisherVDI Verlag, Düsseldorf
Number of pages14
ISBN (print)978-3-18-091966-9
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Publication series

SeriesVDI Berichte


TitleVDI-Getriebetagung 2006 Bewegungstechnik
SubtitleLösung von Bewegungsaufgaben mit Koppelgetrieben, Kurvengetrieben und gesteuerten Antrieben im Maschinen-, Fahrzeug- und Gerätebau
Duration19 - 20 September 2006

External IDs

Scopus 33751057205
researchoutputwizard legacy.publication#12016
ORCID /0000-0003-2834-8933/work/142238146
