A metacognition-based technology for guiding automotive project-based instruction: A state of the art

Research output: Contribution to book/Conference proceedings/Anthology/ReportConference contributionContributedpeer-review


Project-based learning becomes a learning approach that has high relevance with the characteristics of vocational education as this educational type has a function to prepare the students to be able to work in accordance with their educational fields. This learning approach should be integrated with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) so that the learning process will be more meaningful. The purpose of this paper is to gain an insight into the state of the art of using instructional technology such as learning management systems, e-learning, blended learning, or flipped learning on project-based learning in vocational teacher education institutions. Six stages of the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method were used for reviewing pieces of literature of such instructional technology over the past 10 years. The six stages are referred from a study of Wondimagegn Mengist and his colleagues [1] that the explanation of this study is as follows. The first stage was defining the study scope called the "protocol"step. Then, the second stage was defining search string and having search studies called the "search"step. After having pieces of literature, the third stage was named by the "appraisal"step for selecting those pieces of literature based on the language of English, peer-reviewed journals, relevant topics, year of publication, and duplicated papers. Then, the fourth stage was the "synthesis"step for extracting and categorizing data from the selected pieces of literature. The fifth stage was the "analysis"step for analyzing and concluding the data. Finally, the sixth stage was the "report"step for publishing the results. The findings revealed that independent learning, peer-learning, communication, collaboration, scientific activities, learning feedbacks are necessary to be accommodated in project-based learning development as a learning approach that is suitable for vocational education. Furthermore, it is suggested that this project-based learning design should be developed for promoting the ability to conduct lifelong learning for automotive vocational teacher candidates.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication4th International Conference on Vocational Education of Mechanical and Automotive Technology, ICoVEMAT 2021
EditorsB. Sentot Wijanarka, Henry Pratiwi, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics Inc.
ISBN (electronic)9780735444102
Publication statusPublished - 9 Mar 2023

Publication series

SeriesAIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2671/1


Title4th International Conference on Vocational Education of Mechanical and Automotive Technology, ICoVEMAT 2021
Duration5 October 2021


ASJC Scopus subject areas

Library keywords