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Flow optimized membraneless alkaline water electrolysis

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3 Sept 2024


Highly simplified electrolyzer designs in the form of a membraneless alkaline electrolyzer (MAEL) allow higher current densities compared to conventional designs and result as well in lower capital expenditures. In addition, MAELs provide very good access to the electrodes, making them ideal for research to better understand bubble formation and detachment. Since there is no membrane or diaphragm to separate the products, H2 and O2, the cell design to direct the electrolyte flow is critical.

Using CFD and current simulations, an optimized cell geometry was developed to ensure constant conditions for the water splitting reaction over the entire electrode. Particle Image Velocimetry and Shadowgraphy were used to systematically study the influence of the electrolyte flow as driving force for an effective H2 and O2 separation. It is shown that below a critical Recrit the evolving bubbles are stuck on the porous electrodes and lead to a blockage of electrochemical active sites as well as to an increase of the cell potential. On the other hand, high gas purity and overall efficiency were observed at the optimal flow rate to current density ratio. Thus, the present study proves the concept of the newly developed membraneless electrolyzer.


Title16th International Conference on Gas–Liquid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Reactor Engineering
Abbreviated titleGLS-16
Conference number16
Duration2 - 5 September 2024
LocationPenck Hotel Dresden


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