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Teacher Academy Project - Teaching Sustainability (TAP-TS) - 1,5 MIO EURO

Auszeichnung: Förderung/StipendiumMobilität



The TAP-TS Teacher Academy Project will design, produce, pilot, validate, and publish packages of high-quality teaching & learning resources and supporting pedagogies on Educating for Environmental Sustainability (EES) for use in European schools and teacher education. These materials will provide a rich and innovative basis for the Academy’s activities including Learning Events, Online Workshops, and Summer Schools.The design & development process for the TAP-TS resource-base will be iterative and highly collaborative, centred on prototyping, use-and-value piloting, evaluating by the consortium, and reworking to excellent. Our Activities will provide teacher-participants with innovative, and pedagogically sound professional learning experiences, that promote strong understanding of EES and have immediate & practical value for use by teachers within their schools and courses.The TAP-TS will be established by an experienced and creative consortium that is geographically and culturally diverse and brings together 3 eminent pre-service/initial teacher education institutions, 2 national leaders on in-service/continuing teacher professional development, 3 training schools, a leading-edge education technology company, and a not-for-profit civil-society organisation working in the sustainability sector. Educating for Environmental Sustainability experts from seven European countries with experience in primary, secondary, further, and non-formal education will be directly involved. We plan for a sustainable Academy with impacts and outcomes far beyond this initial group and the project duration. All TAP-TS Teacher Academy will be open-source, aligned to ECTS Standards, and credential bearing for project participants. Once finalised, all TAP-TS resources can be freely adopted/adapted by teachers and teacher educators across the EU. The intention is to seed a movement and community of teachers that use the TAP-TS experience as their foundation for Teaching Sustainability.


Das Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung erhält für dieses EU-Projekt 1,5 Millionen Euro bei einer Projektlaufzeit von 3 Jahren.
Verleihende OrganisationenEU/DAAD (ERASMUS+)