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How to Communicate your Research Engagingly and Convincingly

Aktivität: Veranstaltungsorganisation und -teilnahmenOrganisation einer Veranstaltung


15 Feb. 2024


Workshop: How to Communicate your Research Engagingly and Convincingly

In this short workshop, hosted by the TUDiSC coordination team, you will learn the basics of how to communicate your research effectively and how to present your work in an engaging and convincing manner. Sure, you can use ChatGPT but often enough this will not do the job. We will practice a number of simple and effective rhetorical techniques which will help you to bring your message across to a broad audience. There will be some time to discuss individual questions and to practice in short individual and group exercises. By the end of the workshop, you will have a toolbox of techniques which you can use and refine on your own. This is a 100% interactive and practical seminar, so be ready to actively participate and have fun!


TitelHow to Communicate your Research Engagingly and Convincingly
UntertitelA Workshop on "Engaging Science Communication"
Dauer15 Februar 2024
BekanntheitsgradLokale Veranstaltung


Forschungsprofilli­nien der TU Dresden