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Dr. Sandra Buchmüller


Research interests

  • Gender und Diversity Studies
  • (Feminist) Science & Technology Studies
  • Human-centered Design, Participatory Design, Critical Design, Design Justice


Sandra Buchmüller studied at Köln International School of Design and did her PhD thesis at Berlin University of the Arts. As a freelance designer, she worked for various companies and institutions such as RTL Enterprises, Entwicklungsgesellschaft Zollverein, Vodafone, T-Systems, Deutsche Telekom and Telekom Innovation Laboratories. During her work at the PhD thesis, she developed a power-critical and gender-informed design methodology that provides recommendations of how to consciously deal with gender and diversity aspects in a non-discriminating and non-stereotypical way. She was involved in various research projects at the Design Research Lab of Berlin University of the Arts and at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universität Bremen. For the last six years, she has been working for the professorship "Gender, Technology, Mobility" at the Institute of Flight Guidance, Technische Universität Braunschweig. There, she integrated theories and approaches from gender and design research into engineering teaching and research – a task she regards as an essential objective of her guest professorship at the Technische Universität Dresden and a relevant contribution to a socially responsible technology development.

External positions


Identification Numbers

Scopus author ID 37664329000

Related content

Users and non-users in engineering and feminist participatory research on sustainable aviation

Stilke, J. (First author) & Buchmüller, S. (Joint first author), 5 Sept 2022, In: NOvation : critical studies of innovation / Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique. 2022, 3, p. 110-133 24 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review

The Larger Picture: A Designerly Approach to Making the Invisible Domestic Workloads of Working Women Visible

Dhaundiyal, D., Pai, S., Cramer, M., Buchmüller, S., Malhotra, S. & Bath, C., May 2021, p. 221–228.

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Learning how to engage with another's point of view by intercultural, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations.

Buchmüller, S., Malhotra, S. (Second author) & Bath, C., 2021, In: Journal of university teaching and learning practice : JUTLP. 18, 7, p. 89-111 23 p., 07.

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GESCHLECHT MACHT GESTALTUNG - GESTALTUNG MACHT GESCHLECHT. Der Entwurf einer machtkritischen und geschlechterinformierten Designmethodologie

Buchmüller, S., 2018, Logos Verlag, Berlin. 339 p.

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The Crucial Role of Cultural Probes in Participatory Design for and with Older Adults

Maaß, S. (First author) & Buchmüller, S. (Second author), 2018, In: i-com : journal of interactive media. 17, 2, p. 119-135

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review