Peyrow Hedayati, D., Johst, P., Zschiebsch, W., Schilling, L., Schletter, A., Kucher, M., Kupfer, R.,
& 14 othersSeidel-Greiff, R., Sadeghi Bogar, M., Behnisch, T., Modler, N., Goislard de Monsabert, T., Karakashov, B., Darchy, L., Descarpentries, J., Bertram, P., Kuznik, I., Kruppke, I., Cherif, C., Bondavalli, P. & Böhm, R.,
2 Jul 2024,
ECCM21 - Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Composite Materials: Volume 6 - Multifunctional and smart composites. European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM),
Vol. 6.
p. 200-207 8 p.Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report › Conference contribution › Contributed › peer-review