Wellenlängen-Konversionsschicht im optischen und angrenzenden Spektralbereichen

Research output: Intellectual propertyPatent application/Patent


  • TUD Dresden University of Technology


A wavelength conversion layer comprises a metal sub oxide matrix with a low organic dye molecule content. A wavelength conversion layer, for producing light in the optical and adjacent spectral regions, comprises a metal oxide matrix material which has a slightly sub stoichiometric oxygen content and which contains a small concentration of organic dye molecules. Independent claims are also included for the following: (i) production of the above wavelength conversion layer by co-evaporation of organic dye and metal oxide onto a substrate; and (ii) an apparatus for carrying out the above production process.

Translated title of the contribution
Wavelength conversion layer, e.g. for white light production, light coupling or radiation detection or as an ideal point light source, comprises a metal sub oxide matrix with a low organic dye molecule content


A wavelength conversion layer comprises a metal sub oxide matrix with a low organic dye molecule content. A wavelength conversion layer, for producing light in the optical and adjacent spectral regions, comprises a metal oxide matrix material which has a slightly sub stoichiometric oxygen content and which contains a small concentration of organic dye molecules. Independent claims are also included for the following: (i) production of the above wavelength conversion layer by co-evaporation of organic dye and metal oxide onto a substrate; and (ii) an apparatus for carrying out the above production process.

Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 30 A N
Patent numberDE19836943
Priority date17 Aug 1998
Priority numberDE19981036943
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2000
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