Untersuchung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Hochspannungsimpulsverfahrens gegenüber der konventionellen Ozonung (engl.: Investigation of the performance of the high-voltage pulse process compared to conventional ozonation)
Research output: Types of thesis › Master thesis
In der Wasseraufbereitung werden die Prozesse der erweiterten Oxidation (AOP) vielfältig für die Entfernung von organischen Wasserinhaltsstoffen verwendet. In dieser Arbeit sollte der etablierte AOP-Prozess der konventionellen Ozonung mit dem noch neuen Verfahren der Hochspannungsimpulstechnologie in Bezug auf die Oxidationsmittelge-nerierung verglichen werden. Es wurden Versuche an einer konventionellen Ozonanlage, gekoppelt mit einer Hochspannungsimpulsanlage, durchgeführt. Es wurde ein Definite Screening Design (DSD) mit vier Faktoren (Ozonreferenzkonzentration, Temperatur, pH-Wert und Hydrogencarbonatkonzentration) auf jeweils drei Stufen erstellt. Die Einfluss- und Zielgrößen wurden mit einer Regressions- und Varianzanalyse untersucht. Die Ozonkonzentrationen waren im Ablauf zwischen 1,5 und 47 % geringer als im Zulauf, während die Hydroxylradikalkonzentrationen bis zu 83 % im Ablauf höher lagen. Der Versuchsplan wurde mit dem Statistikprogramm JMP® ausgewertet und die Regressionspolynome der Zielgrößen ermittelt. Mit dem DSD konnten die komplexen, häufig gegenläufigen Prozesse, die Einfluss auf die Oxidationsmittelgenerierung haben, für die gewählten Versuchsbedingungen nur unzureichend dargestellt werden.
In water treatment, the advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are used in many ways for the removal of organic substances in water. In this thesis, the established AOP process of conventional ozonation is to be compared with the still new process of high-voltage pulse technology in relation to oxidant generation. Tests were carried out on a conventional ozone system, coupled with a high-voltage pulse system. A Definite Screening Design (DSD) with four factors (ozone reference concentration, temperature, pH value and hy-drogen carbonate concentration) was created on three levels each. The influencing and target variables were examined with a regression and variance analysis. The ozone con-centrations in the outlet were between 1.5 and 47 % lower than in the inlet, while the concentration of hydroxyl radicals in the outlet was between 6 and 83 % higher. The ex-perimental design was evaluated with the statistical program JMP® and the regression polynomials of the target variables were determined. With the DSD, the complex, often contradictory processes that influence the generation of oxidants could not be adequately represented for the selected experimental conditions.
In water treatment, the advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are used in many ways for the removal of organic substances in water. In this thesis, the established AOP process of conventional ozonation is to be compared with the still new process of high-voltage pulse technology in relation to oxidant generation. Tests were carried out on a conventional ozone system, coupled with a high-voltage pulse system. A Definite Screening Design (DSD) with four factors (ozone reference concentration, temperature, pH value and hy-drogen carbonate concentration) was created on three levels each. The influencing and target variables were examined with a regression and variance analysis. The ozone con-centrations in the outlet were between 1.5 and 47 % lower than in the inlet, while the concentration of hydroxyl radicals in the outlet was between 6 and 83 % higher. The ex-perimental design was evaluated with the statistical program JMP® and the regression polynomials of the target variables were determined. With the DSD, the complex, often contradictory processes that influence the generation of oxidants could not be adequately represented for the selected experimental conditions.
Original language | German |
Qualification level | Master of Science |
Awarding Institution | |
Supervisors/Advisors |
Defense Date (Date of certificate) | 26 Apr 2018 |
Publication status | Published - 2018 |
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- AOP, Ozonung, nicht-thermisches Plasma, Wasseraufbereitung, Hydroxylradikale, Definite Screening Design, Advanced oxidation processes, ozonation, non-thermal plasmas, water treatment, hydroxyl radical, design of experiments