Transparente organische Leuchtdiode

Research output: Intellectual Property › Patent application/Patent


  • Novaled GmbH


The component has a layer structure in which a light emitting organic layer is arranged between upper and lower transparent electrodes (4, 3). The structure is transparent in a switched off condition and emits light in a switched on condition. A stack of dielectric layers (2) made up of materials with different refraction indices and transparent in a visible spectral region is arranged on a side of the upper or lower electrode.

Translated title of the contribution
Transparent organic light emitting diode


The component has a layer structure in which a light emitting organic layer is arranged between upper and lower transparent electrodes (4, 3). The structure is transparent in a switched off condition and emits light in a switched on condition. A stack of dielectric layers (2) made up of materials with different refraction indices and transparent in a visible spectral region is arranged on a side of the upper or lower electrode.

Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01L 51/ 52 A I
Patent numberEP1727221
Priority date12 Jul 2005
Priority numberEP20050015072
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2006
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