Transparent, Thermally Stable Light-Emitting Component Having Organic Layers

Research output: Intellectual property › Patent application/Patent



The presently described subject matter relates to transparent and thermally stable light-emitting components having organic layers, and in particular to a transparent organic light-emitting diode having a charge carrier transport layer which is electrically doped with an organic dopant.


The presently described subject matter relates to transparent and thermally stable light-emitting components having organic layers, and in particular to a transparent organic light-emitting diode having a charge carrier transport layer which is electrically doped with an organic dopant.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)H01J 1/ 62 A I
Patent numberUS2010026176
Priority date31 Jul 2009
Priority numberUS20090533891
Publication statusPublished - 4 Feb 2010
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