Toward a fundamental understanding of flow-based market coupling for cross-border electricity trading

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review



Trading electricity across market zones furthers competitive power prices, security of supply and the integration of renewable energy. In the European Union, flow-based market coupling is the target model to compute correct trading capacities between markets, while approximating physical grid constraints. The methodology relies on predictive, carefully designed parameters to maximize trading opportunities, while keeping congestion management at acceptable levels. This paper explains the fundamentals of flow-based market coupling. It provides an open-access model based on a test network and its data. By providing a guide to the theory and conducting several case studies, the functioning and effects of the most influential parameters are demonstrated. Innovative aspects of this paper are its illustrative nature and its answer to the following research questions: (1) What is the effect of (a) generation shift keys and (b) threshold choice on the selection of critical network elements? (2) What is the effect of (a) generation shift keys, (b) selected critical network elements and (c) security margins on market coupling and congestion management results? It also addresses the effect of higher shares of renewable energy and minimum trading capacities on flow-based market coupling. This analysis shows that (1) the effects of flow reliability margins and selected critical network elements dominate the effect of generation shift keys on flow-based market coupling domains, (2) power systems with an increasing share of renewable energy may necessitate re-adjusted parameters and (3) minimum trading capacities can be guaranteed by redispatch or altering the base case.


Original languageEnglish
Article number100027
JournalAdvances in Applied Energy
Publication statusPublished - May 2021

External IDs

Scopus 85115703347
ORCID /0000-0001-7170-3596/work/142241589


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