The education and research reactor AKR-2 and its experimental programme for education

Research output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/reportConference contributionContributedpeer-review



The education and research reactor AKR-2 is a thermal, homogeneous, solid material moderated zero power reactor with maximum permanent power of 2 Watt. AKR-2 was completely refurbished in 2005 and is actually the most advanced zero power training reactor in Germany. The facility is equipped with a state-of-the-art digital I&C control system Teleperm XS. The main purpose of AKR-2 and its design basis was and is the education of students in nuclear and reactor physics, in nuclear engineering as well as to teach fundamental knowledge and rules in radiation protection and radiation dosimetry. Due to the physical characteristics of AKR-2, research is limited to projects where high neutron fluxes are not required but variable operational conditions and low costs are requested, e.g. investigations on sophisticated neutron detectors, development of radiation measuring techniques, radiation spectrometry in mixed neutron-photon fields and validation of reactor physics codes. In this paper, a brief technical presentation of AKR-2 followed by descriptions of selected experiments currently offered to students is given.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018
PublisherSociedad Nuclear Mexicana, A.C.
Number of pages16
ISBN (electronic)9781713808510
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

SeriesInternational Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems
VolumePart F168384-4


Title2018 International Conference on Physics of Reactors: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems, PHYSOR 2018
Duration22 - 26 April 2018
