Strain Engineering in Highly Mismatched SiGe/Si Heterostructures

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Fabio Isa - , Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) (Author)
  • Arik Jung - , Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) (Author)
  • Marco Salvalaglio - , TUD Dresden University of Technology (Author)
  • Yadira Arroyo Rojas Dasilva - , Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) (Author)
  • Ivan Marozau - , Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) (Author)
  • Mojmir Meduna - , Masaryk University (Author)
  • Michael Barget - , University of Milan - Bicocca (Author)
  • Anna Marzegalli - , University of Milan - Bicocca (Author)
  • Giovanni Isella - , CNR - Institute of Photonics and of Nanotechnologies (Author)
  • Rolf Erni - , Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) (Author)
  • Fabio Pezzoli - , University of Milan - Bicocca (Author)
  • Emiliano Bonera - , University of Milan - Bicocca (Author)
  • Philippe Niedermann - , Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) (Author)
  • Olha Sereda - , Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) (Author)
  • Pierangelo Groning - , Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) (Author)
  • Francesco Montalenti - , University of Milan - Bicocca (Author)
  • Hans von Kanel - , Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) (Author)


In this work we present an innovative approach to realise coherent, highly-mismatched 3-dimensional heterostructures on substrates patterned at the micrometre-scale. The approach is based on the out-of-equilibrium deposition of SiGe alloys graded at an exceptionally shallow grading rate (GR) of 1.5% mu m(-1) by low energy plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (LEPECVD). Fully coherent SiGe/Si crystals up to 6 mu m in width were achieved as confirmed by defect etching and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses. The experimental results are supported by calculations of the energy for dislocation formation which indicate that elastic relaxation is energetically favoured over plastic relaxation in the narrower heterostructures. X-ray diffraction measurements show that the SiGe crystals are strain-free irrespective of the stress relieving mechanism which changes from elastic to plastic by increasing their width. The impact of dislocations on the SiGe crystal quality is analysed by comparing the width of X-ray diffraction peaks as a function of the heterostructure size. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-122
Number of pages6
JournalMaterials science in semiconductor processing
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes


Title7th International Symposium on Control of Semiconductor Interfaces (ISCSI) / 8th International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM)
Duration7 - 11 June 2016

External IDs

Scopus 84994096964
ORCID /0000-0002-4217-0951/work/142237423



  • Strain engineering, Dislocations, Elastic relaxation, Patterned substrates, SiGe, THREADING DISLOCATION DENSITIES, SI, GE, HETEROEPITAXY, SILICON, LAYERS, RELAXATION, LEPECVD