Sicherung der Trinkwasserqualität durch Optimierung der vorhandenen Wasseraufbereitung im Wasserwerk Weinhübel (engl.: Safeguarding drinking water quality by optimising the existing water treatment at the Weinhübel waterworks)
Research output: Types of thesis › Master thesis
Im Rahmen der Masterarbeit wurden Untersuchungen zur Aufbereitungsleistung der Filtration unter verschiedenen Filtermaterialien und Trübungszuständen gemacht. Dabei sollten Optimierungspotentiale bezüglich auf Grundlage der aufgenommenen Daten für das Wasserwerk Weinhübel (in Görlitz) herausgearbeitet werden und das Filtrationsverhal-ten der verschiedenen Filtermaterialien diskutiert werden. Diesbezüglich wurden an der kleintechnischen Versuchsanlage im Wasserwerk Weinhübel in Görlitz drei verschiedene Filtermaterialien (altes, neues-grobes, neues-feines) untersucht. Die Versuchsanlage wurde auf die Filter im Wasserwerk eingestellt, sodass die Versuchsfilter vergleichbar sind. Variiert wurden die Filtermedien und die Trübungskonzentration im Zulauf. Im Hauptschwerpunkt wurden die Filter auf Trübungs , Eisen- und Manganabbau, sowohl den Partikelrückhalt ausführlich analysiert. Zudem folgt eine Betrachtung der Druckverteilung und verschiedener Spülversuche. Aus den Messungen ging hervor, dass das neue, grobe Filtermaterial die Trübstoffe, Partikel und Eisen am effektivsten im Innern zurückhält. Die niedrigsten Mangankonzentrationen im Filterablauf sind jedoch bei dem alten Filtermate-rial vorzufinden. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass der Manganrückhalt nicht von der Filtrationsleistung der Trübung abhängt. Das neue, feine Filtermaterial kann zu Beginn eines Filterzyklus die meisten Trübstoffpartikel zurückhalten, setzt sich allerdings am schnellsten zu. Hier wäre eine häufigere Filterspülung notwendig, die jedoch höhere Kosten verursacht. Die verlangten 0,2 FNU Ablauftrübung wird bei keinem Filtermaterial erreicht.
This master thesis investigates the treatment capacity of filtration under varying raw-water turbidity and filter material. The objective was to determine optimization potentials related to the filter of the treatment plant Weinhübel in Görlitz. Additionally, the different filter materials should be discussed, based on the measured data.
For this purpose, different experimental setups were investigated on the pilot plant located at the treatment plant Weinhübel. With the pilot plant, three different filter sands were testes (used, new and big, new and small). The pilot plant was adjusted with the parameters of the treatment plant. The parameters varied were the filter medium and the turbidity at the inflow. The Turbidity was controlled by the addition of a suspension of clay particles. The particles, turbidity, iron and manganese were controlled. In addition, the pressure loss, pH-value and redox potential were considered. Also a few backwash tests were operated.
The measurements showed that the new and big filter sand removes the iron, particles and turbidity best. The best manganese removal has the used filter material. In conclusion the manganese removal isn´t related to the filtration efficiency of turbidity. The new and small filter sand shows at the beginning of a filtration run the best turbidity removal. This filter me-dium has the fastest clogging in the filter, because of the small interstitial volume. This filter medium should be backwashed more often, which causes a rise in costs. None of the differ-ent filter materials can reach 0,2 FNU in the outflow of the filter.
This master thesis investigates the treatment capacity of filtration under varying raw-water turbidity and filter material. The objective was to determine optimization potentials related to the filter of the treatment plant Weinhübel in Görlitz. Additionally, the different filter materials should be discussed, based on the measured data.
For this purpose, different experimental setups were investigated on the pilot plant located at the treatment plant Weinhübel. With the pilot plant, three different filter sands were testes (used, new and big, new and small). The pilot plant was adjusted with the parameters of the treatment plant. The parameters varied were the filter medium and the turbidity at the inflow. The Turbidity was controlled by the addition of a suspension of clay particles. The particles, turbidity, iron and manganese were controlled. In addition, the pressure loss, pH-value and redox potential were considered. Also a few backwash tests were operated.
The measurements showed that the new and big filter sand removes the iron, particles and turbidity best. The best manganese removal has the used filter material. In conclusion the manganese removal isn´t related to the filtration efficiency of turbidity. The new and small filter sand shows at the beginning of a filtration run the best turbidity removal. This filter me-dium has the fastest clogging in the filter, because of the small interstitial volume. This filter medium should be backwashed more often, which causes a rise in costs. None of the differ-ent filter materials can reach 0,2 FNU in the outflow of the filter.
Original language | German |
Qualification level | Master of Science |
Awarding Institution | |
Supervisors/Advisors |
Publication status | Published - 2018 |
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Research priority areas of TU Dresden
DFG Classification of Subject Areas according to Review Boards
Subject groups, research areas, subject areas according to Destatis
Sustainable Development Goals
- Trinkwasseraufbereitung, Tiefenfiltration, Trübstoffrückhalt, Partikelentfernung, Eisenabbau, Manganabbau