Short communication: Gap filling strategies for long term energy flux data sets

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Eva Falge - , University of California at Berkeley, University of Bayreuth (Author)
  • Dennis Baldocchi - , University of California at Berkeley (Author)
  • Richard Olson - , Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Author)
  • Peter Anthoni - , Oregon State University (Author)
  • Marc Aubinet - , University of Liege (Author)
  • Christian Bernhofer - , Chair of Meteorology (Author)
  • George Burba - , University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Author)
  • Reinhart Ceulemans - , University of Antwerp (Author)
  • Robert Clement - , University of Edinburgh (Author)
  • Han Dolman - , Wageningen University & Research (WUR) (Author)
  • André Granier - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Patrick Gross - , INRAE - National Institute of Agricultural Research (Author)
  • Thomas Grünwald - , Chair of Meteorology, Chair of Meteorology (Author)
  • David Hollinger - , United States Department of Agriculture (Author)
  • Niels Otto Jensen - , Technical University of Denmark (Author)
  • Gabriel Katul - , Duke University (Author)
  • Petri Keronen - , University of Helsinki (Author)
  • Andrew Kowalski - , University of Antwerp (Author)
  • Chun Ta Lai - , Duke University (Author)
  • Beverley E. Law - , Oregon State University (Author)
  • Tilden Meyers - , NOAA/ATDD (Author)
  • John Moncrieff - , University of Edinburgh (Author)
  • Eddy Moors - , Wageningen University & Research (WUR) (Author)
  • J. William Munger - , Harvard University (Author)
  • Kim Pilegaard - , Technical University of Denmark (Author)
  • Üllar Rannik - , University of Helsinki (Author)
  • Corinna Rebmann - , Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Author)
  • Andrew Suyker - , University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Author)
  • John Tenhunen - , University of Bayreuth (Author)
  • Kevin Tu - , University of New Hampshire (Author)
  • Shashi Verma - , University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Author)
  • Timo Vesala - , University of Helsinki (Author)
  • Kell Wilson - , NOAA/ATDD (Author)
  • Steve Wofsy - , Harvard University (Author)


At present a network of over 100 field sites are measuring carbon dioxide, water vapor and sensible heat fluxes between the biosphere and atmosphere, on a nearly continuous basis. Gaps in the long term measurements of evaporation and sensible heat flux must be filled before these data can be used for hydrological and meteorological applications. We adapted methods of gap filling for NEE (net ecosystem exchange of carbon) to energy fluxes and applied them to data sets available from the EUROFLUX and AmeriFlux eddy covariance databases. The average data coverage for the sites selected was 69% and 75% for latent heat (λE) and sensible heat (H). The methods were based on mean diurnal variations (half-hourly binned means of fluxes based on previous and subsequent days, MDV) and look-up tables for fluxes during assorted meteorological conditions (LookUp), and the impact of different gap filling methods on the annual sum of λE and H is investigated. The difference between annual λE filled by MDV and λE filled by LookUp ranged from - 120 to 210 MJ m-2 per year, i.e. -48 to +86 mm per year, or -13 to +39% of the annual sum. For annual sums of H differences between -140 and + 140 MJ m-2 per year or -12 to +19% of the annual sum were found.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-77
Number of pages7
JournalAgricultural and forest meteorology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2001

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-2263-0073/work/163766011



  • AmeriFlux, Data filling, Eddy covariance, EUROFLUX, FLUXNET, Interpolation techniques, Latent heat, Sensible heat