Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



A solution for synchronizing a network comprising a plurality of interconnected nodes provides a stable synchronized state, especially for large scale networks. Signal transmission speed and the length of each interconnection of the network is configured to cause a delay of the signals received by a node from the other node of the interconnection which is larger than one millionth of the free-running period of the controllable oscillator of the receiving node such that Network-wide synchronization of oscillators is achieved for all nodes of the network in a continuous self-organized process in interaction with the other node of the network.


A solution for synchronizing a network comprising a plurality of interconnected nodes provides a stable synchronized state, especially for large scale networks. Signal transmission speed and the length of each interconnection of the network is configured to cause a delay of the signals received by a node from the other node of the interconnection which is larger than one millionth of the free-running period of the controllable oscillator of the receiving node such that Network-wide synchronization of oscillators is achieved for all nodes of the network in a continuous self-organized process in interaction with the other node of the network.

Original languageEnglish
IPC (International Patent Classification)G06F 1/ 12 A I
Patent numberUS2017139438
Priority date22 Jun 2015
Priority numberWO2015EP64008
Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2017
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent