Second-line therapies for steroid-refractory immune-related adverse events in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Theresa Ruf - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (Author)
  • Rafaela Kramer - , Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (Author)
  • Andrea Forschner - , University of Tübingen (Author)
  • Ulrike Leiter - , University of Tübingen (Author)
  • Friedegund Meier - , Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Author)
  • Lydia Reinhardt - , Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Author)
  • Pia Dücker - , Municipal Hospital Dortmund (Author)
  • Carolin Ertl - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (Author)
  • Dirk Tomsitz - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Author)
  • Julia K. Tietze - , University of Rostock (Author)
  • Ralf Gutzmer - , Ruhr University Bochum (Author)
  • Evelyn Dabrowski - , Klinikum Ludwigshafen (Author)
  • Lisa Zimmer - , University of Duisburg-Essen (Author)
  • Anja Gesierich - , University of Würzburg (Author)
  • Sarah Zierold - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (Author)
  • Lars E. French - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (Author)
  • Thomas Eigentler - , Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Author)
  • Teresa Amaral - , University of Tübingen (Author)
  • Lucie Heinzerling - , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (Author)


Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) induce adverse events (irAEs) that do not respond to steroids, i.e. steroid-refractory (sr) irAEs, and irAEs in which steroids cannot be tapered, i.e. steroid-dependent (sd) irAEs, in about 10% of cases. An evidence-based analysis of the effectiveness of second-line immunosuppressive agents with regard to irAE and tumor control is lacking. Methods: The international web-based Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (SERIO; is a collaborative initiative with the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute to document rare, severe, complex or therapy-refractory immunotherapy-induced side effects. The registry was queried on August 1, 2023 for cases of irAEs which were treated with second-line therapies. Results: From a total of 1330 cases, 217 patients (16.3%) received 249 second‐line therapies. A total of 19 different second-line therapies were employed, including TNF-alpha antagonists (46.5%), intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG; 19.1%), mycophenolate mofetil (15.9%), and methotrexate (3.6%). Therapy choices were determined by the type of irAE. The time to onset of sr-/sd-irAEs after ICI initiation did not consistently differ from steroid-responsive irAEs. While 74.3% of sr-/sd-irAEs resolved and 13.1% had improved, 4.3% persisted, 3.9% resulted in permanent sequelae, and 4.3% in death with ongoing symptoms. Infliximab exhibited potential for earlier symptom improvement compared to mycophenolate mofetil or IVIG. Tumor response in patients with second-line treated sd-/sr-irAE was similar to patients with irAEs treated with steroids only. Conclusion: Several second-line therapies are effective against sr-/sd-irAEs, the second-line therapies show no clear negative impact on tumor response, and infliximab shows potential for faster improvement of symptoms. However, prospective comparative data are needed.


Original languageEnglish
Article number114028
JournalEuropean journal of cancer
Publication statusPublished - May 2024

External IDs

PubMed 38652976
ORCID /0000-0003-4340-9706/work/169643425
ORCID /0000-0001-6232-5132/work/169643678


ASJC Scopus subject areas


  • Immune checkpoint inhibitors, Immune-related adverse events, Second-line immunosuppressants, Steroid-dependent, Steroid-refractory