Searches for new physics below twice the electron mass with GERDA

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • GERDA collaboration - , Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (Author)
  • Chair of Nuclear Physics
  • University College London
  • University of Zurich
  • Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute
  • National Institute for Nuclear Physics
  • RAS - Institute for Nuclear Research
  • Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
  • University of Padua
  • University of L'Aquila
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Max Planck Institute for Physics (Werner Heisenberg Institute)
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • University of Tübingen
  • Duke University
  • European Commission
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Semilab Semiconductor Physics Laboratory Co. Ltd.
  • TUD Dresden University of Technology


A search for full energy depositions from bosonic keV-scale dark matter candidates of masses between 65 and 1021 keV has been performed with data collected during Phase II of the GERmanium Detector Array (Gerda) experiment. Our analysis includes direct dark matter absorption as well as dark Compton scattering. With a total exposure of 105.5 kg years, no evidence for a signal above the background has been observed. The resulting exclusion limits deduced with either Bayesian or Frequentist statistics are the most stringent direct constraints in the major part of the 140–1021 keV mass range. As an example, at a mass of 150 keV the dimensionless coupling of dark photons and axion-like particles to electrons has been constrained to α/α<8.7×10-24 and gae<3.3×10-12 at 90% credible interval (CI), respectively. Additionally, a search for peak-like signals from beyond the Standard Model decays of nucleons and electrons is performed. We find for the inclusive decay of a single neutron in 76Ge a lower lifetime limit of τn>1.5×1024 years and for a proton τp>1.3×1024 years at 90% CI. For the electron decay e-→νeγ a lower limit of τe>5.4×1025 years at 90% CI has been determined.


Original languageEnglish
Article number940
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


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