Schließmechanismus für Produktaustrittsöffnungen

Research output: Intellectual PropertyPatent application/Patent



Device for closing and/or opening product outlet openings comprises using online opening and closing of the openings during rotation by electrical, magnetic, temperature-dependent, chemical or other physical effects with non-active materials.
Translated title of the contribution
Device for closing and/or opening product outlet, for use in the self-emptying of laboratory and industrial centrifuges in the food industry, uses online opening and closing of the openings during rotation


Device for closing and/or opening product outlet openings comprises using online opening and closing of the openings during rotation by electrical, magnetic, temperature-dependent, chemical or other physical effects with non-active materials.
Original languageGerman
IPC (International Patent Classification)B 04 B 11/04
Patent numberDE 1 00 66018
Filing date28 Dec 2000
Priority date28 Dec 1999
Priority numberDE19961037
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 23 May 2002
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent
