SARGON – Smart energy domain ontology

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review



The internet of things (IoT) is a paradigm where the fragmentation of standards, platforms, services, and technologies, often scattered among different vertical domains. Consequently, the smart energy system is one of the vertical domains in which IoT technology is investigated. At the early stages of studying the IoT domains that deal with big data and interoperability, a semantic layer can be served to approach the difficulty of heterogeneity in information and data representation from IoT devices. In 2015, smart appliance reference ontology (SAREF) was introduced to interconnect data of smart devices and facilitate the communication between IoT devices that use different protocols and standards. The modular design of SAREF concedes the definition of any new vertical domain describing functions that the devices perform. In this study, SARGON – SmArt eneRGy dOmain oNtology is offered which extends SAREF to cross-cut domain-specific information representing the smart energy domain and includes building and electrical grid automation together. SARGON ontology is powered by smart energy standards and IoT initiatives, as well as real use cases. It involves classes, properties, and instances explicitly created to cover the building and electrical grid automation domain. This study exhibits the development of SARGON and demonstrates it through a web application.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-198
Number of pages8
JournalIET Smart Cities
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020

External IDs

ORCID /0000-0001-8469-9573/work/161891188



  • big data, building, data representation, domain-specific information, electrical grid automation domain, Internet of Things, interoperability, IoT devices, IoT initiatives, IoT technology, ontologies (artificial intelligence), open systems, power engineering computing, SAREF, SARGON ontology, smart appliance reference, smart devices, smart energy domain ontology, smart energy standards, smart energy system, smart power grids, vertical domain