Properties of CF/PA6 friction spun hybrid yarns for textile reinforced thermoplastic composites

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleContributedpeer-review



Due to their excellent strength, rigidity and damping properties as well as low weight, carbon fibre reinforced composites (CFRC) are widely being used for load bearing structures. On the other hand, with an increased demand und usage of CFRCs, effective methods to re-use waste carbon fibre (CF) materials, which are recoverable either from the process scraps or from the end-of-life components are attracting increased attention. In this paper, hybrid yarns consisting of staple CF and polyamide 6 (PA 6) are manufactured on a DREF-3000 friction spinning machine with various machine parameters such as spinning drum speed and suction air pressure. The relationship between different textile physical properties of the hybrid yarns, such as tensile strength and elongation with different spinning parameters and CF content of hybrid yarn is investigated. Furthermore, the tensile properties of uni-directional (UD) composites manufactured from the developed hybrid yarn shows 80% of the UD composite strength made from CF filament yarn.


Original languageEnglish
Article number042013
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 8 Nov 2017


Title17th AUTEX World Textile Conference
SubtitleShaping the Future of Textiles
Abbreviated titleAUTEX 2017
Conference number17
Duration29 - 31 May 2017
