Prognostic value of trans-thoracic echocardiography in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation: findings from the RAF study

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review


  • Maurizio Paciaroni - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Giancarlo Agnelli - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Nicola Falocci - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Valeria Caso - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Cecilia Becattini - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Simona Marcheselli - , IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas - Rozzano (Milano) (Author)
  • Christina Rueckert - , Oberschwabenklinik Ravensburg (Author)
  • Alessandro Pezzini - , University of Brescia (Author)
  • Loris Poli - , University of Brescia (Author)
  • Alessandro Padovani - , University of Brescia (Author)
  • Laszló Csiba - , University of Debrecen (Author)
  • Lilla Szabó - , University of Debrecen (Author)
  • Sung Il Sohn - , Keimyung University (Author)
  • Tiziana Tassinari - , Santa Corona Hospital (Author)
  • Azmil H. Abdul-Rahim - , University of Glasgow (Author)
  • Patrik Michel - , University of Lausanne (Author)
  • Maria Cordier - , University of Lausanne (Author)
  • Peter Vanacker - , University of Antwerp (Author)
  • Suzette Remillard - , University of Lausanne (Author)
  • Andrea Alberti - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Michele Venti - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Monica Acciarresi - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Cataldo D’Amore - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Maria Giulia Mosconi - , University of Perugia (Author)
  • Umberto Scoditti - , University of Parma (Author)
  • Licia Denti - , University of Parma (Author)
  • Giovanni Orlandi - , University of Pisa (Author)
  • Alberto Chiti - , University of Pisa (Author)
  • Gino Gialdini - , University of Pisa (Author)
  • Paolo Bovi - , Ospedale Policlinico (Author)
  • Monica Carletti - , Ospedale Policlinico (Author)
  • Alberto Rigatelli - , Ospedale Policlinico (Author)
  • Jukka Putaala - , University of Helsinki (Author)
  • Turgut Tatlisumak - , University of Helsinki, University of Gothenburg (Author)
  • Luca Masotti - , Cecina Hospital (Author)
  • Gianni Lorenzini - , Cecina Hospital (Author)
  • Rossana Tassi - , Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese (Author)
  • Francesca Guideri - , Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese (Author)
  • Giuseppe Martini - , Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese (Author)
  • Georgios Tsivgoulis - , Democritus University of Thrace, Masaryk University, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Author)
  • Kostantinos Vadikolias - , Democritus University of Thrace (Author)
  • Chrissoula Liantinioti - , National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Author)
  • Francesco Corea - , Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera Molinette San Giovanni Battista Di Torino (Author)
  • Massimo Del Sette - , Sant'Andrea Hospital (Author)
  • Walter Ageno - , University of Insubria (Author)
  • Maria Luisa De Lodovici - , University of Insubria (Author)
  • Giorgio Bono - , University of Insubria (Author)
  • Antonio Baldi - , Ospedale di Portogruaro (Author)
  • Sebastiano D’Anna - , Ospedale di Portogruaro (Author)
  • Simona Sacco - , University of L'Aquila (Author)
  • Antonio Carolei - , University of L'Aquila (Author)
  • Cindy Tiseo - , University of L'Aquila (Author)
  • Davide Imberti - , Civil Hospital of Piacenza (Author)
  • Dorjan Zabzuni - , Civil Hospital of Piacenza (Author)
  • Boris Doronin - , City Clinical Hospital Eleven (Author)
  • Vera Volodina - , City Clinical Hospital Eleven (Author)
  • Domenico Consoli - , Jazzolino Hospital (Author)
  • Franco Galati - , Jazzolino Hospital (Author)
  • Alessio Pieroni - , University of Rome La Sapienza (Author)
  • Danilo Toni - , University of Rome La Sapienza (Author)
  • Serena Monaco - , Azienda Sanitaria Ulss 6 Vicenza (Author)
  • Mario Maimone Baronello - , Azienda Sanitaria Ulss 6 Vicenza (Author)
  • Kristian Barlinn - , Department of Neurology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Author)
  • Lars Peder Pallesen - , Department of Neurology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Author)
  • Jessica Kepplinger - , University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Department of Neurology (Author)
  • Ulf Bodechtel - , University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Department of Neurology (Author)
  • Johannes Gerber - , Department of Neurology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden (Author)
  • Dirk Deleu - , Hamad Medical Corporation (Author)
  • Gayane Melikyan - , Hamad Medical Corporation (Author)
  • Faisal Ibrahim - , Hamad Medical Corporation (Author)
  • Naveed Akhtar - , Hamad Medical Corporation (Author)
  • Kennedy R. Lees - , University of Glasgow (Author)


Anticoagulant therapy is recommended for the secondary prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The identification of patients at high risk for early recurrence, which are potential candidates to prompt anticoagulation, is crucial to justify the risk of bleeding associated with early anticoagulant treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate in patients with acute ischemic stroke and AF the association between findings at trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE) and 90 days recurrence. In consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke and AF, TTE was performed within 7 days from hospital admission. Study outcomes were recurrent ischemic cerebrovascular events (stroke or TIA) and systemic embolism. 854 patients (mean age 76.3 ± 9.5 years) underwent a TTE evaluation; 63 patients (7.4 %) had at least a study outcome event. Left atrial thrombosis was present in 11 patients (1.3 %) among whom 1 had recurrent ischemic event. Left atrial enlargement was present in 548 patients (64.2 %) among whom 51 (9.3 %) had recurrent ischemic events. The recurrence rate in the 197 patients with severe left atrial enlargement was 11.7 %. On multivariate analysis, the presence of atrial enlargement (OR 2.13; 95 % CI 1.06–4.29, p = 0.033) and CHA2DS2-VASc score (OR 1.22; 95 % CI 1.04–1.45, p = 0.018, for each point increase) were correlated with ischemic recurrences. In patients with AF-associated acute stroke, left atrial enlargement is an independent marker of recurrent stroke and systemic embolism. The risk of recurrence is accounted for by severe atrial enlargement. TTE-detected left atrial thrombosis is relatively uncommon.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)231-237
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Neurology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2016

External IDs

Scopus 84957956002
PubMed 26566907
ORCID /0000-0001-7465-8700/work/159607693



  • Acute stroke, Atrial fibrillation, Echocardiography, Outcome