Primary and secondary processes in psychoanalytic first interviews with patients suffering from anxiety and depression.. A regressive imagery dictionary content analysis study in West and East German patients

Research output: Contribution to journalResearch articleContributedpeer-review



The present paper de scribes a study on the in take inter view narratives of psychotherapy patients with computer assisted content analysis methods. 46 psychoanalytic first inter views of patients suffering from depression or anxiety disorders were analysed with the Regressive Imagery Dictionary (RID), a computer assisted content analysis method with 43 sub-categories, which were sumed up to three main categories: Primary Process, Secondary Process, and Emotion. Comparisons between different subgroups of this sample were made: Anxiety vs. depressive patients, and East Germans (Magdeburg) vs. West Germans (Dusseldorf). Significant correlations were found be tween the Primary Process subcategories Passivity and Regressive Cognition, and East German patients, as well as correlations between the Primary Process subcategory Orality, and anxiety patients. The results con firm our hypothesis, that the psychotherapist-patient-interaction sequences, which are the basis of diagnostic categorization, enclose as well elements which are specific for the disorders understudy as elements which are specific for sex and culture (east vs. west). The study con tributes to the identification of specific text markers, which can be found in the narratives of patients suffering from neurotic depression vs. patients with phobia and panic disorders. The results of the study are compared with a previous qualitative study.


Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)201-209
Number of pages9
Journal Forum der Psychoanalyse : Zeitschrift für klinische Theorie und Praxis
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2005

External IDs

Scopus 22144464386
ORCID /0000-0002-1491-9195/work/142255998



  • Psychotherapy, Disorders, Diagnosis, Emotions