Praxisevaluierung von OP-Textilien

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleContributedpeer-review


The application of innovative surgical textiles (gowns and drapes) is one measure to prevent postoperative wound infections. There are a lot of disposable and re-usable products with different performances available. Hospital administrations are not able to select surgical textiles because of both the product variety as well as various hygienic, economic and ecological conditions (rising costs, D.R.G.-system, environmental directions; figure 4). The paper presents the design of an interdisciplinary study containing the hygienic, economic and ecological evaluation of surgical textiles supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education und Research (BMBF) (figure 4). The interdisciplinary joint project involves the co-operation of clinicians, environmental economists, textile engineers and partners from the industry. One aim of this comprehensive study in practice, which will be finished in 2007, is the development of evidence-based decision tools for supporting the selection of surgical textiles.

Translated title of the contribution
Evaluation of surgical textiles in practice


Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)337-341
Number of pages5
JournalHygiene + Medizin
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2005



  • Disposable products, European standards, Evaluation, Re-usable products, Surgical drapes, Surgical gowns